Pre training requirement
Self declared statement of medical condition
Health and Fitness Self-Declaration
Rope access at altitude or depth is an intrinsic component of training and assessment. Therefore, candidates should be physically fit and unaffected by any medical condition that may prevent them from undertaking their training requirements or performing manoeuvres required during assessment.
Candidates are required to declare that they do not have any medical conditions or contra-indications that may prevent them from working safely. Principal contra-indications to working at height include (but are not limited to):
• prescribed medication;
• alcohol or drug dependence;
• diabetes, high or low blood sugar;
• high or low blood pressure;
• epilepsy, fits or periods of unconsciousness, e.g. blackouts;
• vertigo, giddiness or difficulty with balance;
• heart disease or chest pain;
• impaired limb function;
• musculoskeletal issues, e.g. back pain;
• psychiatric illness;
• obesity;
• fear of heights;
• sensory impairment, e.g. blind, deaf.
If a candidate has a contra-indicated condition (listed above or otherwise), he/she shall obtain a medical certificate from a medical doctor to provide to the member company providing the training to confirm that the condition does not prevent that person from performing a rope access assessment or rope access work activities.
The medical certificate should clearly identify the individual’s (name, date of birth, address), provide confirmation of their fitness to undertake rope access and related activities, and the name and contact details of the doctor providing the confirmation.
Please inform your trainer asap if you think you cannot attend this course.